Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

We packed our camp trailer and headed for Silver City for the 4th of July weekend. I can't imagine having a better time anywhere else. There were so many members of our family there, the kids played and played til they were completely exhausted, so much good food was shared, races were run ("owies" were made), memories were told around the camp fire and then our weekend came to an end. We can't wait for next out Silver City.

We put together a "float" for the parade...we filled Kasey's pick up with all the kids. The title was '7 Generations Lovin' Silver City'. There have been 7 generations of the Adams Family that have lived in and enjoyed Silver City (including us). We filled 2- 5 gallon buckets with candy and I bet they ate an entire bucket themselves.

Here is Kasey in the lead...

Here is the "owie" I spoke of earlier. We're not sure if he was tripped or if he just tripped, but 5 days later he's still hurting really bad. He tore up his hip, hand and knee.

Here is our whole group...about 35 members of the Adams Clan.

Kambell took this picture of us by the creek, under the old dance hall.

Kambell and Kinlee recently hosted a dance party for...well...for themselves. They had a blast. Kinlee makes the best faces and can shake it like no other. Kambell, too is full of moves.