Thursday, February 4, 2010

Update on our Boy

The weeks are flying by. Keiser is almost 6 weeks old now. He is doing great. He seems to sleep a lot still- waking up every 3 1/2 hours to eat. He was up for 3 hours yesterday and just as alert as could be. Kambell & Kinlee still don't leave him alone, he doesn't seem to mind
(Thank Goodness because I can't keep them away).

Keiser in his 1st collared shirt...I think it makes him look much older :o)

Keiser and Kinlee.

Kasey and the girls made their 1st snowman during our last snow-fall. I should say "snowgirl." The girls decorated her with beads and wanted to give her a crown, too.

Corby & Boston came over to take part in the fun,
however Boston wasn't sure sledding was his "cup of tea."